When a young parent dies, the tragedy is unbearable. During the shivah, people are around, but then they head back to their busy lives, and the house feels darker, quieter and emptier than ever. Well-meaning people want to help but don’t know how to offer support. The families feel forgotten, and the weeks that follow are the most painful and lonely time.
“Many nights before I go to bed, I stare at the door, hoping that maybe, just maybe, my Daddy will be standing there, but he never comes…”
Shabbos and Yom Tov is a time when a parent is missed the most. With nobody to make Kiddush or light the Menorah and an empty chair at the table, it is hard to describe the void and heartache the families feel. The children long to hear the bustle in the kitchen and smell the aroma of Mummy’s fresh challahs.
No one can ever replace a parent, the smile, the hugs, or just knowing they are there. The gaping hole will remain forever. We provide care packages, emotional support, trips and events, a bespoke grief magazine, financial grants and more.
Our aim is to bring some light to these families and support them along their journey.
Thank you for joining us, and thank you for opening your hearts.