- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
Raised Of
Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

Emergencies don’t discriminate. You never know when you will need Chaveirim to step in and help, and we are happy to help. Helping has always been our mission, and it will continue to be our goal. But now we are asking for your help to do that. More ...

Raised Of

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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Team Page
Raised Of
{{community.totalRaisedQty}} Donations



What do you do if your pipe bursts at 6:00am and the water level is slowly rising in your house? Who do you call when you’re stuck at the side of the road and your car is not budging? How do you get in to your house when you've locked yourself out?

Welcome to Chaveirim. 

Established over 20 years ago, Chaveirim has become a household name in the community. Everyone knows that when you find yourself in any situation where you cannot manage and simply need a helping hand, you dial 8802 – HELP. 
It’s the name people have come to rely on in case of an emergency. 

The calls that we field each day are varied and range in level of urgency, yet every call is dealt with swiftly and professionally
As soon as a call is received, one of the 45 Chaveirim volunteers will be dispatched. It doesn’t matter if it’s power outage at midnight or a toddler locked inside a house with a pot on the stove – Chaveirim is available to help 24 Hours a day and will be with you within minutes

In many cases, our work is life-saving, for example rescuing a sleeping child from a locked car on a scorching day, or stopping a carbon-monoxide leak. 

After dealing with the emergency at hand, if a further long-term solution is necessary Chaveirim will advise exactly what it is you need to do next. We work closely with and support local servicemen like electricians, plumbers and locksmiths by recommending their services.
If Chaveirim needs to raise awareness in the community regarding issues like not to leave children in cars during a heatwave, we step in and put advertisements in local papers. 
On Shabbos and Yom Tov, Chaveirim have employed Shabbos goyim who are available to help anyone who finds themselves in a situation that cannot wait until after Shabbos to be resolved. These people can be found in strategic locations around town. 

Chaveirim currently have 10 members who are waiting to join the team, but outfitting each one costs over £1800 and despite the growth in the community and the very real need for expansion, we currently do not have the funds to pay for their equipment.

We do not get any government grants we rely only on your donations to cover our budget.
The goal of this campaign is to continue to provide a much needed service for the community, recruit additional members as well as allow us to continue with our existing services.

Emergencies don’t discriminate. You never know when you will need Chaveirim to step in and help, and we are happy to help. Helping has always been our mission, and it will continue to be our goal. But now we are asking for your help to do that. 

24 שעה א טאג. יעדן טאג. יעדער צייט. גענצליך אומזיסט.
אונז זענען גרייט אייך צו העלפן אין צייט פון נויט. פון א פלעט ביז א געפלאצטע פייפ, פון א
אויסגעשפארטע קינד ביז א ז'אמפסטארט. יעדער קאלל איז ביי אונז ווי אן עמערז'ינסי. מיר
זענען די מענטשן וואס ענק פארלאזן זיך בשעת עס נויטגט זיך.
 מיר האבן באנייט אונזערע רעדיו סיסטעם, אריינגענומען נאך מעמבערס, אויסגעצייגט מיט
די בעסטע געצייט, צוגעלייגט א סטאָרידזש האלטן גרעסער כלים. אלעס, כדי אייך צו העלפן
שנעלער און בעסער.
יעצט פארלאזן אונז זיך אויף דיך! העלפט אונז דעקן די טאג טעגליכן הוצאות, און
ערמעגליכט אונז צו קענען ווערן נאך בעסער און שנעלער-  כדי אייך צו העלפן בעסער.