- {{teams.current.teamName}}
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Bonus Goal
Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

The world is in turmoil. So why JLE? Why now? More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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The world is in turmoil. So why JLE? Why now?

For close to 40 years JLE has provided a place for young Jews to belong - socially, educationally and spiritually.  

1000s of young professionals and students walk through our doors every year, be it on campus, in community centres, schools or at our flagship centre to connect to their Judaism and the Jewish people.  

JLE has become central to our participants lives now more than ever. We have responded to their needs – their need for inspiration, empowerment and connection. With current global affairs rocking the stability on campus and in the work place, both our students and Young Professionals are reaching out to us in unprecedented numbers.  

Our students on campus have been feeling particularly unsafe at the moment. However, the JLE campus team provide that much needed safe space to connect to their Judaism, to be supported, delve into learning, be trained in Hasbara - knowing how to respond - and perhaps most importantly to be uplifted during these trying times, and not feel alone  

Our young professionals have come in throngs to our centre, seeking to be a part of a community looking for a way to connect, to be empowered and in a world fraught with anxiety to find a safe space to belong.

The world which  we live means that many Young Jews around the UK are feeling very isolated. Our job is to step up again to continue to inspire, educate, empower the next generation with the new challenges we face as a community. 

With your support we can do this!

For hundreds of Young Jews - we are their only connection and support. This campaign we are asking you to support young Jews at this time of isolation and fear - to connect to their Judaism, be supported by community and allow us to ensure they are inspired, empowered and have a place to belong.

Am Yisrael Chai.