Pninei Chein
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
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Original Goal {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

In addition to a stellar limudei kodesh program and an excellent extracurricular activity department including Music and Art, Pneni  Chein stands proudly as a premiere destination for those interested in the highest educational standards in limudei chol as well. More ...

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Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} with  {{donor.teamName}} 


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In addition to a stellar limudei kodesh program and an excellent extracurricular activity department including Music and Art, Pneni  Chein stands proudly as a premiere destination for those interested in the highest educational standards in limudei chol as well. In fact, Penini Chein has been honored and recognized by the Ministry of Education as one of the top performing schools in the country.  With a warm and fostering atmosphere and an amazing teaching staff, we are able to challenge each of our talmidos and bring out the very best in their unique potentials. The greatest indicator that our students feel the genuine care and concern from our staff is the large number of students who form lasting, lifelong relationships with our teachers and administration. Adding to the already sharp grassroots need of an quality Beis Yaakov style intuition that does not compromise on educational standards, these students spread their positive experiences and add additional applicants to our already overcrowded applicant waitlist. This added stress to the application process due to our limited facilities has reached a breaking point. A building expansion is urgently needed in order to address this critical need in our community.

This building campaign represents a major crossroad for Pneini Chein. In order to provide for the needs of so many hopeful applicants and growing staff, we must adapt and expand by moving into a larger facility. The costs associated with doing so are staggering to our small school, yet we are committed to our vision of being able to serve the growing needs of our students and Klal Yisroel. With a proud history of hard work and success, we turn to all members of Klal Yisroel with a plea to help us continue adding to our nearly 13 years of success and help build an appropriate home for the most formative years of the future builders of Klal Yisroel.