Shabaton L'menucha is an incredible organization geared for families of children and adults with special needs .They are widely known for their weekend breaks that grant those special individuals,who happen to have special needs ,a fantastic time whilst also giving their families a much needed break
we are reliant on donations from the community to ensure that we meet our growing demand for our services each year .
please donate today and help us to continue our vital work within the community through these very challenging times.
Donation to the selected teams are matched x{{donation.teamMatch}}!
Your total donation:
{{donation.tipAmount + donation.amountTotal|currency(donation.currency)}}
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{{ gateway.isCC ? 'Credit or debit card' :}}
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{{ gateway.isCC ? 'Credit or debit card' :}}
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{{campaign.metadata?.info?.aka}} will receive an extra 25%
{{campaign.metadata?.info?.aka}} will receive an extra 25%, {{donation.receive *1.25 |currency('GBP')}} in total
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Thank you so much for your donation to Shabaton L'menucha Trust