Keser Girls School
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Keser Girls' School is a vibrant and bustling school providing a wonderful Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh to primary age girls across Gateshead. More ...

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Keser Girls' School is a vibrant and bustling school providing a wonderful Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh to primary age girls across Gateshead. Established 70 years ago as part of the Fledgling Primary school founded by Harav Shaul Wagschal Zt”l, today the School is situated on separate premises and caters for over 340 Talmidos Ka”H.

A little over 10 years ago the quality of Chinuch  in Gateshead had a significant upgrade when Mrs Springer  accepted the Position of Menaheles of the School. She brought with her a wealth of experience gained through heading Schools in London  and spearheaded new Curricula and projects across the Mosed. Under her Leadership the School has entered into a new phase of development and assumed its new name “Keser”, to reflect its forward thinking vision.

A visit to the school  brings to the ears the happy hum of learning emanating from excited Talmidos as they connect with their caring Teachers. The warm atmosphere is immediately noticeable despite the size of the student body. The walls are beautifully decorated  with posters and pictures testifying to the wonderful projects run across the school beautifying Torah, Mitzvos and Middos Toivos. The Chol is taught to a good standard and with a developing SEN department the girls are receiving a wholesome chinuch through the 6 years they spend in the Mosed.

The only thing noticeably lacking is the adequacy of the premises. Originally designed for 150 girls, Keser has tried to manage by adding 7 Porta Cabins, splitting classrooms and staggering assemblies. One to one lessons take place in hall ways, all factors that negatively impact on the Girls ability to learn and grow. And with the expiring of the councils permit for the Porta Cabins, they have no choice but to embark on a monumental building project. The plan is to build a purpose designed  building on the site where the Porta Cabins stand today and then to restructure the current building to maximise their opportunities. Keser are launching a Campaign where all will be encouraged to take part in this Mitzva of ensuring Chinuch Al Taharas Hakodesh and allow this project to go forward Besiyato Dishmayo. 

D. Silkin 
Y.C Taqqu
N. Hirsch