Rav Kallus Rabbonus Kollel
- {{teams.current.teamName}}
{{secondaryProgressCount()}} {{campaign.secondaryProgressName}}
נתרמו מתוך
יעד מקורי {{campaign.goal|currency}}
{{percentRaisedTotal() }}%
  • {{stage.description}} {{stage.description2}}

In a mere 6 Years, Harav Kallus שליט"א & Harav Hollander שליט"א incredible wisdom has led so many on the path to leadership! עוד ...

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נתרמו מתוך

Donation amount: {{donor.trnAmount|currency}}

{{donor.timeAgo}} עם  {{donor.teamName}} 


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In a mere 6 years, the incredible wisdom of Harav Shraga Kallus שליט"א & Harav Binyomin Hollander שליט"א has led so many on the path to leadership!
Going from Strength to Strength, the Roshei Hakollel have infused a clarity in halachah to over 100 yungerleit who are and were privileged to learn under their careful & watchful eyes.
Harav Kallus שליט"א & Harav Hollander שליט"א themselves learned psak halachah from Gedolei Yisroel - Hagoan Rav Elyashiv זצוק"ל & Hagoan Rav Scheinberg זצוק"ל.
The kollel has also been privileged to have had the presence of Hagoan Rav Falk זצוק"ל, who spent over 20 hours with the bnei hakollel, sharing his brilliance and guidance whilst the kollel was learning Hilchos Shabbos & Hilchos Brochos. 
The kollel has given numerous communities the ability to benefit from their talmidim.

Don't miss this opportunity to support the kollel thus enabling us to continue going from Strength to Strength!