Bnos Yisroel School has been a cherished part of our קהילה for over six decades, nurturing young minds and hearts with a blend of academic excellence and תורה values.
Board of Deputies of British Jews
Zeev Hatorah ( AKA Brazil's) is a yeshiva ‛family’ entering it's 16th year, that is dedicated to integrating dynamic Torah learning with a vibrant and inspired Yiddishkeit.
The Chaburah - Empowering our days with Torah
Min Hameitzer
For 19 years, Temech has been planting seeds—empowering Chareidi women in Israel with the tools, skills, and connections they need to thrive professionally.
ישיבת עמק החכמה, שטארט ארויס מיט איר אייגענארטיגקייט אין פילע הינזיכטן
Bet Nechama is saving lives...
Help! That's the cry of your friend, neighbour, sister or brother as they start thinking about Yom Tov. The whole year they somehow manage to get by, but as Yom Tov approaches, they simply cannot do it on their own. Let's support them generously and give them a Yom Tov to look forward to!
Bais Medrash D'Marine Park
Yeshivas Aderes HaTorah
Chazak creates a ripple of pride, unity, and connection that strengthens the Jewish community from within.
Osim Sameach: Bringing Comfort to Body and Soul
Naaleh Sem: a Home at Home for Chassidish Girls who are looking to grow and develop in their prime years, from leaving high school until they get Engaged & Married IYH.
Torah Vodaas Primary School was established 20 years ago by a dedicated team of askonim, to address the need for another school serving the frum kehilla of North West London.
With just one click, you can inspire and uplift a kollel family...
Project Lily
Ateres Kallah is an organization devoted to helping needy kallahs in Eretz Yisrael by providing packages to set up their homes respectfully.
By contributing to our campaign YOU are filling a long-awaited need: an optimal place to learn Kodshim on American shores
Kollel Tiferes Yechiel Volkan. Baruch Hashem 3 successful years has gone by, with more than 50 Talmidim!כולל תפארת יחיאל וואלקאן
Chana: Change their Story
The London Chabura
והצלתי!!! מיר גייען אים ראטעווען
cornerstone of their recovery
In communities around the world thousands of people are coming together today for one goal and one inclusive mission―to KEEP THE FLAME ALIVE – for the future generations of Belarus Jewry.
מהפך החסד ב'צאנז': 'מרכז מושיע ומגן' הכתובת לכל מצוקה
Cheder Eitz Chaim
We’re all awed by our Lomdei Torah from Chutz L’Aretz in Eretz Yisroel.
Mazel Tov. A joyous wedding. A beautiful week of Sheva Brachos. A radiant couple.
Keren Olam HaTorah is on a daring mission — the largest one yet.
YHA is a centre that was established to assist boys looking to develop a healthy self esteem, and enrich their עבודת ה' and יראת שמים.
Across London, potential is everywhere—in every home, on every street, in every borough.
The year was 1953.The place was Manchester.The community was small but resolute.A Mikvah wasn’t just a desire—it was essential, a cornerstone of Jewish life.
Menorah Grammar School
B'Lev Echad
Mother to Mother
United Synagogue Chesed (Welfare) works with our communities to care and connect in so many ways – providing critical support to our members and those in the wider community.
מקור חיים – מיט א קנאפע צוויי יאר צוריק איז מקור חיים טאקע נאך געווען אין די שטאפל פון אמבציעזע פלענער און חלומות
Kollel Serench, located right in the heart of Yerushalyim, is a unique and warm Kollel where every avreich feels that they get the foundational tools they need in this special time in their lives.
We live in a world that is increasingly artificial, impersonal and virtual. But, there are some things which just need to be real - friendships, experiences, love, Jewish identity and connection.
It costs Camp Simcha £3.3million annually to provide its vital services for seriously ill Jewish children and their families throughout the UK.
Kollel Zohov Mishvo was founded in Manchester 11 years ago under the special guidance of Rabbi Moishe Wolf שליט"א.
Together for Hospice